Army Squash held its Open Championships this week at the Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre with over 60 players entering. The aim was to deliver a paper-free and totally digital experience for the players using the SportyHQ tournament management system. Despite a couple of technical issues on the first morning Mr Brian Brock worked his magic and delivered a professional, slick and efficient tournament schedule that gave players the flexibility to work remotely between matches if required.
Using a MONRAD scoring system for the first time, ensuring 6 matches for all players, and providing a 1 to 61 ranking at the end of the tournament the decoupling of this event to make it standalone proved a great success.
The squash on display was at a standard that surpassed the levels achieved last year thanks to players competing in civilian and military club ladders during the close season and attending a series of Army Squash Academy and Army team training camps.
Seedings were given placed on the current player SquashLevels rankings and despite one surprise 15 of the top seeds made it into the last 16 with all top 5 seeds taking the top 5 spots.
Congratulations to LCpl Paul Jones, HAC, who retained his title as Army Squash Open Champion.

Full results are available on Sporty HQ, Army Individual Open Championships 2023 – SportyHQ
the top 5 places went to:

Army Squash Open Champion 2023 LCpl Paul Jones – Honourable Artillery Company

Army Squash Open Runner Up 2023 Lt Col Rich Green – 2 (Trg) Regt AAC

3rd Place 2Lt Franz Schweighart Gate – 65 Wks Gp , 170 (Infra Sp) Engr Gp

4th Place 2Lt Arthur May – 65 Wks Gp RE, 170 (Infra Sp) Engr Gp

5th Place SSgt Mark Thomas – 24 Cdo RE
Army Squash now looks forward to the AS Individual Championships (21-23 Mar) Army Squash Individual Championships 2023 – SportyHQ and its Annual Awards Dinner night at St Omer Officers’ Mess on the evening of 22 Mar before the Army Squash teams go into battle with the RN and RAF teams in Wolverhampton at the end of the month in the Squash Inter Services Championships.