The ASCB was formed in 1918 as a War Office two star committee to control Army Sport during WW1. To mark the occasion of its 100th Anniversary the ASCB are to coordinate a festival of sports throughout the week commencing 7th May 18 with the main events taking place on Wed 9th May 18. There will be 10 x Inter Unit, Corps and Army level sports competitions taking place in the vicinity of the Aldershot Military Stadium. The table of competitions can be seen below and it is not too late for teams and individuals to enter.
Running concurrently on the 9th May starting at 1400hrs will be a 3km charity fun run which is open to all units and dependants of the local Garrison community. The Fun Run will take place on Queen’s Parade starting adjacent to the Military Football Stadium with all donations being split between the RBL, in their 100th year and the ABF. All Garrison units are welcome to take part and there may even be prizes for the best dressed etc. For more information on all activities taking place throughout the week contact either:
Lt Col (Retd) Steve Davis ACOS ASCB 94222 7058 sdavis@ascb.uk.com
Lt Col (Retd) Simon Cannons SO2 Infra ASCB 94222 7304 scannons@ascb.uk.com