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Womens Focus Army Sport Member & Trustee


The Charities Act 2011 defines charity trustees as the people responsible under the charity’s governing document for controlling the administration and
management of the charity.
Under charity law, the Board of Trustees holds the ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of Army Sport, and ensuring that it is solvent,
well run and delivering the charitable outcomes for which it has been set up

Purpose of the Role

  • Promote participation in sport in the Army, with a particular focus on championing the role of women in sport – players, coaches, officials and administrators.
  • As a member of the Army Sport Board, work with other Board members to establish the strategic direction of sport in the Army including principal investment decisions.
  • Champion membership of the Army Sport Lottery
  • As a member of the Army Sport Board, act as a Trustee of the Army Sport Charitable Fund accountable to the Charity Commission

Requirement of the Role:

  • The Army Sport Board Member with a particular focus on Women’s sport.
  • Influence and support ‘women in sport’ initiatives across Defence and the Army.
  • Prepare for and participate in three Army Sport Boards each year (Spring, Summer, Winter).
  • Support up to five ‘signature events’ (Army Sport led engagement events with key sponsors) each year.
  • Be prepared to visit sporting fixtures and events, and host key stakeholders on behalf of the Chair of the Army Sport Board.

If you are interested in applying for the Women’s Focus role as a member of the Army Sport Board, please contact Julie Goodliff, Head of HR, Army Sport at: no later than 6 November 2024.

Recruitment Pack